It is very easy to spend money for gratification of your desires and needs but very difficult to inculcate habit of saving money. There are many interesting ways in which you can spend less and save more.
1. Follow 30 Day Rule for Purchases
This is a rule that says you should wait for 30 days before buying a thing other than groceries and emergency products. If you can control yourself for 30 days, you find that the urge to buy that fancy dress has gone away altogether.
2. Give up on Your Daily Newspaper
Though this is a hard to give up habit, you will find that you have lots of free time once you give up reading newspaper for hours. You also save a decent amount by the end of the month.
3. Watch TV as Little as Possible
TV watching induces you to buy products based upon advertisements. If you cut down TV watching, you can even think of earning extra income in your spare time.
4. Have Coffee at Home
Why pay astronomical sum for a cup of coffee outdoors when you can have it for a fraction of this price? Cut down on your daily coffee that you drink at Barista to see that you are able to save a nice amount of money every month.
5. Reduce the Frequency of Dining Out
Eating out once in a while with family is good for a change but do not make it a habit to dine out every week. If you can curb this habit, you can save a lot of money every month.
6. Make a List Before Going to Supermarket
People buy lots of items on the spur of the moment even though they do not need it for immediate consumption. If you make a list of necessary items and stick to it, you will be able to save a lot of money by the end of the month.
7. Change Your Service Provider
Companies come up with new offers to attract customers every now and then. Take a look at the services you are enjoying and compare them with offers being given to switch to other companies. This way you can save a good amount of money in a month.
8. Start Bargaining
If you have been paying money for repairs and services without asking for a discount until now, you are a fool. You can get a 10% or even 20% discount on most items and services to add up to a huge saving every month.
9. Keep Only 1-2 Credit Cards
Having several credit cards to impress your friends can prove costly in terms of balances and fees. Return the cards to make use of only one or two cards.
10. Stop Smoking and Drinking
Both these habits are not only expensive but also cost you in terms of your health. By giving up on smoking and drinking, you can save a lot of money every month.