List of Things You Need to Buy for a New Apartment

If you’re moving, this could be very exciting, but the thought of unpacking everything, putting all of your things together could be a tedious task, not to mention if you’re doing it alone or the other way around. So, if you’re moving to a new apartment, there are just some things you should buy and you must never missed them, so it would always be best to buy them ahead of time. It has to be a few weeks right before you move. You don’t want to move and end up missing things like this and like that. So, to help you out with the preparation, here are some of the tips for you:


This might actually get a big part from your budget, as you might need to buy a fridge, a stove, kitchen table or even a surface space, together with dinner chairs and table. The good thing is that, some of these things already come with the apartment. The list of the smaller appliances that you need will actually depend upon your taste and your eating habits, these can be the blender, toaster, coffee maker, tea kettle, food processor, and microwave and hand mixer. You need to buy silverware which can be good for 8 people, dishes for four, multiple set for the drinks, large spoons, spatulas, two pans and pots of different sizes. There should also be a potato peeler, colander as well as fire extinguisher. You also need to get a decent corkscrew for fine wines.


If you happen to be on a budget, buying things that are second-hand actually makes a lot of sense. However, the only exception is that, your bed should be new. You spend half of your life to your bed, so make sure that you buy the best that you can afford. You also need about two pillows, blankets, pillowcases and sheets, so you’ll have something to offer to your visitors and have something to use while the other set is in the wash. You must not also forget the blinds, clothing hangers, alarm clock and night table.


You should let your budget decide whether you can purchase a laundromat or a washer-dryer. Do not forget the laundry detergent, iron board, laundry basket, dustpan, broom, garbage bags and cans, dusters, kitchen towels, vacuum, rags, bucket and mop.


Once you’re all done with the things you should put in priority, then you can do whatever you can with the budget left. However, you should remember that it is your first apartment, so you’ll have time for the 52-inch TV and pool table in the near future. You must also consider a bookcase, to help yourself look smart, a futon that doubles as bed and sofa, TV, Blu-Ray player and lamp.

Moving is surely an exciting experience, so take those tips mentioned above now.