If you feel that your energy bills are sky-high and want to lower it, don’t worry that you need to spend money on switching over to green power gadgets in an effort to reduce bill. By means of some easy adjustments and simple tricks in the way you run your appliances, you can able to have control on your bills and brings its costs down.
Leave Your Vents Clean and Open
When you have a central air conditioning or heat, constantly check the vents. If you open your vents, your air Condition will no longer trouble to keep your home cool. You may think that closing vents can lower energy consumption by avoiding the need to heat or cool a specific room. It is typically a myth that closing vents actually increases the energy costs and hence the bills.
Allow Better Flow of Air in Your Home
If the air in your home is circulated properly, it will be easier for you to maintain a controlled temperature, which indicated reduced work for your cooling and heating system. If you are fortunate enough to have ceiling fun, then make it run in the right direction. During hot, it should rotate counter-clockwise in order to push hot air out and up. If weather is cold, try rotating the fans clockwise in order to trap heat inside.
Monitor Your Laundry Machines
Reducing bills on laundry involves very less effort. Just quit using heat when possible. Insert the considerable amount of clothes into the machines and complete the task at night. There are few power companies that provide discounted rates at non-peak hours. Check with your energy provider whether non-peak discounts are available and if so, operate your laundry machines at night.
Reducing Energy Usage with Dishwashers
Reducing the consumption of energy with dishwashers involve the similar strategy as your laundry machine. It primarily means that you have to lower the amount of heat you consume and try loading the machine as effectively as possible.
Check Your Other Electronic Appliances
Majority of the appliances including electronics do not lead to high energy cost, which only account for seventy percentages of the energy consumption in the households of America. Having that said, few devices leave a significant impact than others. Apart from electric kettles, the only way to reduce energy usage with electronics products is turning them off.
Save in Your Lighting
Never forget to off the switch while you leave the room. You can even consider installing LED lights that consumes 85 percentages less energy comparing to others in delivering the same amount of light.
Get Control of Your Temperature
Use thermostat to take control of your temperature. Also consider using sunlight wisely. Set thermostat in your water heater as well and keep it between 120 to 130 degrees since higher setpoints will raise the utility bills.